woman with a long healthy hair

How to Care for Thinning Hair

There are lots of reasons why women can experience hair loss and thinning hair. However, not everyone knows how to deal with hair that’s thinning out, which is why today, we will discuss what you can do, including when to go to a hair-loss specialist for women in New York.

Make Use of Volumizing Products

If you have thinning hair, then chances are, your hair will look limp and lifeless. To give it a boost of volume, make sure to use the right volumizing products. Some products in the market can be harmful, though, so make sure to buy products from the salon only. Ask your hairdresser and salon expert which types of products you should use for volumizing your hair.

Ingredients that you should avoid include paraffin and beeswax. This can cause buildup in the hair, which can then lead to breakage.

Don’t Overwash It

A lot of people tend to shampoo and condition their hair every day. This is okay if you have healthy hair, but if you have thinning hair, then you might want to skip on the shampoo on some days.

You can still shampoo your hair, but make sure to do so only once to twice per week. Using conditioner every day is okay, as this moisturizes your hair and makes it a lot stronger. Fine hair is a lot more prone to breakage, so avoid shampooing as often as you can.

woman getting a haircut at the salon

Get a Haircut

You might think that it’s counterintuitive to get a haircut when you are trying to get a lot more volume on your hair, but this is simply a myth. The right hairstyle can give your hair more volume, so make sure to tell your hairstylist to provide you with a style that will make your hair look like it’s got a lot of volume.

This is why it’s essential to go to your licensed hairstylist, too, as they will know how to properly style and cut your hair to make it look thick and luscious.

Consider Getting Some Waves

If you really want to give your hair a lot of volume and body, then you might want to consider getting permanent waves. However, most perming and straightening procedures can damage the hair further, so you definitely have to be careful with the chemicals and products that you put on your hair.

Ask your stylist if you can get a permanent perm. You might want to go for loose waves though, as tighter waves can cause damage and breakage. Getting loose waves will make your hair look a lot fuller than what it actually is, so go ahead and get those gentle beach waves that you’ve been dreaming of!

Overall, you should always consider asking your hairstylist and a hair-loss specialist before doing anything to your hair. You do not want to damage it further, and you definitely want to steer clear of products that can cause a hair loss. Best of luck, and may you achieve the voluminous hair of your dreams!

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